You are an artist. You love art and nature.
You eat & think « local », you sort your waste.
You love children and pass on your knowledge.
If you are looking for a residency, it’s here in Switzerland in the middle of the mountains.
We offer residency: from one week to four weeks.
Artists in the areas of sculptures, paintings, music, literature, theatre and dance are eligible to apply.
The residency gives the opportunity for the artists to gain a broad insight into a different cultural environment. The aim of the residency is to find inspiration surrounded by nature, and contemplate new projects and ideas around the importance of nature conservation, the agricultural world.
In return, the artist will give his time to contribute his talent to local life by passing on his knowledge in particular to the children. If the artist is musician or danser, concerts/performances and classes for children will be organised. If he is a painter or sculptor he will give a work to En Haut.
• convincing track record: personal artistic activity above and beyond local level
• context-related motivation
Applications for residency can be submitted at any time.
Applications should contain :
• a cover letter explaining the artistic approach
• a detailed description of the project that will be developed during the residency
• a dossier of recent work
• an up-to-date curriculum vitae
• two letters of reference
• a copy of a valid ID